Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Judge or Not To Judge

May 16, 2010

Okay, so, do you ever have those days when you feel like doing the right thing only ruffles everybody's feathers? We're called to "rightly divide the truth" "test every spirit"...basically to "call it like you see it", right?'s not such an easy task, lately. We've been so bombarded with messages of "tolerance" from society, and on "loving them to Jesus" from the church...have we forgotten that there IS a time to stand up and say "the emperor has no clothes"?

Alright, I know that for me that comes much easier than walking in the path of mercy. I do have my "prophetic" tendencies. But, it comes from really caring for His lambs. I can sift a nugget out of just about any old pan of mud, but that comes from years of recognizing the glimmer that comes from the real thing and not getting sucked in by the fool's gold. What about the lamb, though? How are we to teach and protect those young in the Lord from false doctrines or pharisitical rhetoric passed off as the Truth?

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit in us helps with this. That He guides us and shows us what is of Him and what is in error. So, is the answer in just letting the Holy Spirit guide each person? If it were only that easy. I have my own ideas...many born of my own experiences and that clearly stated in the Bible. But I'm interested in knowing YOUR insights...comment away!

1 comment:

  1. Chris and I have this discussion often, and I have come to the conclusion that there is a difference between judging and condemnation. We must make judgements about people, situations, doctrines, etc. all the time so that we can make good choices about who to be to close to and who to stay away from, for our own safety and for the glory of God. That involves finding out how that person and their belief line up with Scripture. The tricky part is not condemning them if it doesn't line up.It's easy to forget that I haven't always walked in the truth either. As always, that elusive balance is the key.
