Monday, May 17, 2010

No More Lies...

We all fight off the lies of our past, the lies of the enemy... ones we've listened to and sometimes even believe. Some of them may include:
- I am hopeless.
- I could have tried harder, so why didn't I?
- I am ugly.
- Why am I so stupid?
- I'm not good enough.
- God can't use me.
- My friends are tired of hearing me cry about the same thing.
- I can't be normal again.
- If people knew the real me, they would reject me.
- I will always be a victim.

What are your lies?

To live fully, we must recognize the lies we have carried around. Maybe your lie was given to you by your parents, kids you endured in school, or a sibling. Maybe we've bought into the lies of complete strangers, or perhaps Satan has used that little element of truth to create an illusion that has overshadowed your life. Whatever the source, it's still a lie. Deep down we know it, because God's truth brings it to light. You fight against it, you "hope" it's not true, but find yourself resigning to it again and again.

Once you recognize the lies, write them down, read what God says about them. Pray God's Word over each one. Tear up the lie, and post the truth all around you. Memorize what God has to say, and when you are faced with that lie...repeat what God says.

Throughout your life you will have lies come and go. New lies may raise their ugly head or old ones may return. No one is immune. BUT how we face the lies, what we do, how we join forces with our friends and God against them, that's the key. That's really life. That's really living. Reject the lies, resist the Devil and he'll flee. Sure he may keep trying, but the more we renew our minds with the truth of His Word, the stronger our defenses against these firey darts.

Okay, so I'm speaking to myself...but I thought you might need to hear it, too. God created you the unique person you are. He doesn't regret it and He has a plan for your life that only you can fulfill. Love being YOU.

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