Monday, May 31, 2010

My favorite 'self-help' book...

I went to the book store today to buy a specific book and got caught there unexpectedly due to a rain storm. So, while waiting for the shower to subside, I proceeded to browse through the self-help books. Hey, who hasn't done that once or twice? Anyway, each book had a catchy title that promised great wisdom and hope; “Writing to Heal”, “Healing the Shame that Binds You”, “The Power of Two”, “Gentle Roads to Survival”, “The Resilient Spirit”, “Walking the Tiger”... But when I pulled each off the shelf and scanned the pages, it was the same theme over and over again. Nothing new or surprising. "You can't judge a book by it's cover", right? I guess it's true.
Then, I thought of God's Word. No matter how many times I read the same passages, I'm always amazed at the depth of wisdom I find. This amazing instruction book for life and the Holy Spirit within us to bring it alive...THAT's the wisdom everyone is seeking to find. Don't get me wrong. I think there's a lot of great clarity in books...but it's always just helping me see more clearly the truths in His Word. Unwrapping the solutions already in front of me.
So, join me in my journey...One Year through the Bible. My church family started it on New Year's Day and has committed to journaling our thoughts and the Lord is speaking into our lives. It's a wonderful experience.
I dare you!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


During our Wednesday night service at church, the pastor preached on Psalm 42. At first it seemed like a pretty average sermon; the typical study. But this time the words hit home in a new way. It's not that the psalm is particularly deep, but I found a new richness underneath the surface, that made me see it in a whole new light.

The Psalmist is lamenting over the state of his soul. He is 'downcast'...basically bummed...depressed. You get the picture. But he does an odd thing. He asks himself why he's discouraged and goes on to encourage himself by reminding himself of the blessings God has shown him in the past.

This got me to thinking...How am I to encourage myself through the rough times, If I don't have any good things stored up in my memory bank? I need to look at the wondrous things God does for me each day. I need to not only recognize the $20. found when I was broke, or the healing when I was sick...those are obvious. They are wonderful. But that can't be all I have stored up there, or I'll soon be bankrupt.

I need to fill my bank with: "the time I was hurt but didn't die", "the time my car broke down, but I wasn't in a wreck", and "the time I was late for a plane, but got to spend a restful hour reading His Word". These little blessings that occur hidden in the trials of life should fill our banks to overflowing...but we must choose to see them, choose to recognize His goodness in every situation. If we dwell only on the sorrow, on our loss, on our pain...our eyes aren't focused on the whole picture. God sees the 360 of our lives, we only see pieces. It's so easy to get caught up in the pieces. But if we try, if we purpose to see beyond ourselves in the here and now, we can store up a wealth of beautiful memories.

If I can do this...then these memories will sustain me. They will encourage me in the dark days. I will see the light that God pours over my life and not just the shadows of the hour.

So, "Why so downcast, o my soul?...Put your trust in God!" has a very new meaning for me now. I can look at even my darkest moments and see His blessings and find encouragement for my soul...because I know that in every situation, God is with me ...and for me... and when I remember His very nature is to love me...I find strength.

So, remember to look for His blessings, choose to see them, to remember them, to store them up as a treasure...and feel His love!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Monday. It's supposed to be a fresh start, the beginning of a brand new week. Most of the time, it's just a reminder of all we failed to complete the week before. But today, I LIKED Monday. Sure, in the beginning I fretted about unresolved class scheduling for our Sunday school classes, final exams Josh is facing this week, and my own disappointing anxiety issues that spilled out in front of a friend Saturday. But then I spoke with a friend this afternoon...okay my's really nice having someone that is trained to keep your head on straight...LOL...anyway...

After our talk, I was feeling a little free-er (okay, I know that's not a word, but I like how it sounds!) ...ready to just bury it...let it all go...release it. And then, it dawned on me...that's exactly what I'm SUPPOSED to do! God wants to unburden us, to give us His strength in the midst of this life. He just asks that we lay it at the cross...and LEAVE it there. How often do I only render lip-service to this truth. Lord, forgive me.

As you're facing the day-to-day cares that can seem to wrap around you like a hungry boa, take a tip from the jumgle explorers...don't fight quick-sand! Lay back, relax, and let Him pull you across the top to the other side. :-) CHOOSE to praise Him, CHOOSE the joy He brings, and THANK Him for all His blessings!...and BREATHE!!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mad at nothing but me...

Did you ever have one of those dreams where you wake up mad at somebody because of what they did in the dream? It's hard to shake that feeling off right away, and you wonder if there's some deep hidden message or an unresolved issue you need to address. Well, that's the way I felt this morning. Let me back up a bit, to tell you that I've been sick over the past four days and am fully aware that the medications could be one of the culprits in this story, but I believe I found a message in it all, anyway.

My dream was simple. My husband, son and I were away at a friend's house. After getting ready for bed, he announces that he put the bags in the trunk of the car to prepare for travelling the next day. I tried to explain to him that we needed to get things out of them in the morning. (A toothbrush, change of clothes, etc.) I needed the bag and he said it wasn't needed. I was getting angry at him. He wouldn't listen to my explanation of needing items and not feeling safe going outside in my PJ's to get what we needed. I felt like he was unreasonable, didn't think about protecting me and keeping me safe. I felt the anger and pain of him shutting me off and not listening no matter what. I had gotten mad in the dream.

When I woke up, I felt such rage over the incident. How could he not see the pain? Crazy, right?
but then...I was faced with this's not about you...stop and see it from His eyes. It was awesome! I saw the whole 360 of it all. He showed me that he was caring for me and just did his best at cutting back travel time. He showed me that my words can really cut to the bone. And most importantly he showed me that perception isn't everything. We often see reality through the skewed glasses of our own issues. Our reality often isn't THE reality. Lord, help me to see with your eyes and not judge each action as though I was the center of the universe.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


When I think of you, a smile dawns within my heart.
Perhaps, mind and word cannot comprehend or express the impact you've made.
All friendships are an experience; an intermission from life to learning.
Friends of the past have inspired my life towards the deep theology of God.
But, through your friendship, I've seen that the deepest things are yet to come.
As you emit the character of Christ in daily life, I see how simple God has made our path.
And though the plan is much simpler than it had seemed,
the application has become to me a discipline, possible only through the grace of God.
I praise God always for our friendship.
For I have come to realize throught it, the beauty of His balance...

a pendulum swinging to and fro',
hot and cold waters merging to form a warm and soothing pool,
the quiet found in between the rushing winds,
a scent that brings back fond memories of springtime in the rain,
NOT a still neutral, but a dynamic bliss
found through obedience to the character of Christ.

Thank you for being God's tool
...and my sister.

Monday, May 17, 2010

No More Lies...

We all fight off the lies of our past, the lies of the enemy... ones we've listened to and sometimes even believe. Some of them may include:
- I am hopeless.
- I could have tried harder, so why didn't I?
- I am ugly.
- Why am I so stupid?
- I'm not good enough.
- God can't use me.
- My friends are tired of hearing me cry about the same thing.
- I can't be normal again.
- If people knew the real me, they would reject me.
- I will always be a victim.

What are your lies?

To live fully, we must recognize the lies we have carried around. Maybe your lie was given to you by your parents, kids you endured in school, or a sibling. Maybe we've bought into the lies of complete strangers, or perhaps Satan has used that little element of truth to create an illusion that has overshadowed your life. Whatever the source, it's still a lie. Deep down we know it, because God's truth brings it to light. You fight against it, you "hope" it's not true, but find yourself resigning to it again and again.

Once you recognize the lies, write them down, read what God says about them. Pray God's Word over each one. Tear up the lie, and post the truth all around you. Memorize what God has to say, and when you are faced with that lie...repeat what God says.

Throughout your life you will have lies come and go. New lies may raise their ugly head or old ones may return. No one is immune. BUT how we face the lies, what we do, how we join forces with our friends and God against them, that's the key. That's really life. That's really living. Reject the lies, resist the Devil and he'll flee. Sure he may keep trying, but the more we renew our minds with the truth of His Word, the stronger our defenses against these firey darts.

Okay, so I'm speaking to myself...but I thought you might need to hear it, too. God created you the unique person you are. He doesn't regret it and He has a plan for your life that only you can fulfill. Love being YOU.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What, Me Worry?

As I go through Paul's prescription for worry in Philippians 4:6-7, I see we are to thank God for His answers... What are His answers? Am I to be thankful for worries... for suffering... for tragedies? How can we be thankful for such circumstances?

Aha! No. It's not the circumstances He calls us to be thankful's what He is/was doing in the midst of them. For those moments when God faithfully stands with us in the dark night of our pain, and turns what is meant for evil into a triumph and makes you more valuable for having gone through it.

When we are anxious for nothing and pray about everything, Paul writes that we "will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand". It's not an easy place to find. The anxiety and worry tend to come much easier than the peace....that is, until we recognize that it's an attitude, a decision of my will that chooses to see the miraculous at work, or at least trust that it is at work, even if it's unseen. I will "put my trust in Him, from whence cometh my help".

God desires to give us peace. In the midst of your storm, He speaks "peace, be still". He wants to fill your mind with truth, assurance, wisdom, encouragement, and hope. How? Stop listening to Satan's lies. Take captive each negative thought, and replace it instead with a scripture, a prayer of agreement with what God says about the matter. It doesn't matter if your actions caused your circumstances or if it was the act of another's free will causing the pain you've felt. The truth is, God wants to renew your mind, free you, heal you, and make you MORE than a conqueror. The first step is the hardest...agree with Him.

To Judge or Not To Judge

May 16, 2010

Okay, so, do you ever have those days when you feel like doing the right thing only ruffles everybody's feathers? We're called to "rightly divide the truth" "test every spirit"...basically to "call it like you see it", right?'s not such an easy task, lately. We've been so bombarded with messages of "tolerance" from society, and on "loving them to Jesus" from the church...have we forgotten that there IS a time to stand up and say "the emperor has no clothes"?

Alright, I know that for me that comes much easier than walking in the path of mercy. I do have my "prophetic" tendencies. But, it comes from really caring for His lambs. I can sift a nugget out of just about any old pan of mud, but that comes from years of recognizing the glimmer that comes from the real thing and not getting sucked in by the fool's gold. What about the lamb, though? How are we to teach and protect those young in the Lord from false doctrines or pharisitical rhetoric passed off as the Truth?

The Bible says that the Holy Spirit in us helps with this. That He guides us and shows us what is of Him and what is in error. So, is the answer in just letting the Holy Spirit guide each person? If it were only that easy. I have my own ideas...many born of my own experiences and that clearly stated in the Bible. But I'm interested in knowing YOUR insights...comment away!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Handfuls on Purpose...

May 15, 2010

In the story of Ruth, I've read of the kindness her kinsman redeemer had towards her. His field was ready for harvest. The workers were in the field, bringing in the grain. Ruth was willing to walk behind the workers and take whatever they missed. They were instructed to leave "handfuls on purpose" behind, so that she could gather enough food for her and her mother-in-law to survive. Often times, I feel as though the Lord is leaving me "handfuls on purpose".

I went to a women's conference this weekend in Charlotte. I was tired from having been out of town all week for work, then quite literally having minutes to repack and head back out the door for this conference. After hearing the speaker, my expectations were low the first night. I felt as though God didn't have a "word" left for me. But then, there it "handful on purpose".

A sister I rode to the conference with was at the altar. She obviously had recieved what she came for, and then some. The session was over and the crowd was disbursing. Inexplicably, I felt the Lord urge me to go pray with her... just support her. The time we shared, blessed me beyond words. It wasn't any deep theological discussion or earth-shattering prayer. It was the "essence" of God...His sweet aroma...His heart. He allowed me to see how He is working in her heart and life. She so preciously opened her heart the place where He wants me to be.

That evening, and the next day, the Lord continued to reveal the real purpose for the trip. He plans wonderful moments for me to regain my voice, to learn, and to get to know a sister as a fellow sojourner, ...and laugh until I cry along the way. Thank you for inspiring me to blog!

Thank you, Lord...for the "handfuls on purpose".