Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In His Presence is Fullness of Joy...

Have you ever experienced one of those moments where you feel like you're REALLY seeing and feeling the hand of God in action?  They're such amazing moments!

I came to church this Sunday expecting an average day. I was feeling that calm, sweet breeze in my soul. I'd had a good week. Nothing special, just a week where I really felt like I was growing and getting to know myself and God a little better.

The service started off as usual. We had awesome praise and worship! I was really experiencing the worship... really "in the moment".  I was just feeling grateful...worshipping God...knowing He loved it...all of us in the sanctuary in our different states...some hurting, some sick, some worried, some happy and hopeful...ALL choosing to worship Him because of who He is...not regarding our state as having any importance in the light of His glory. And then, in that very moment I started experiencing one of those eye-opening, heart-bursting moments. 

The minister called for prayer, a message was given that one or many were there with suicidal depression, but that God not only knew, but cared and was there to make lives change and be made whole...to make dead men LIVE.  Then, hearts melted in the realization of His love... people came forward for prayer.  I was so full of Love for Him, to see His heart this way. A worship leader sang a song she'd written. It was so clear and touching...speaking of God knowing us so intimately, knowing our names, knowing each tear that falls.  One woman came forward for prayer, and was going to have to wait, as the altar workers were praying with others...but God saw her! He didn't miss a beat! Others came forward and held her and prayed with her until the ministers could come pray, as well.  His love surrounded her through the Body.

I was trying to pray, to sing, just feet away...I was overwhelmed by the whole experience. It was like a river flooded across the front of that church and poured  out over all who were there. It was so full, so rich in His presence...then like He whispered just to my heart..."I'm always here".  I couldn't stop crying...realizing how true this was.  He DOES know my name...He DOES see every tear I cry...He ALWAYS has been right there...in the midst of my pain and the center of my joy...and whether I "felt" it or not...He was the very strength I used to survive every moment...I didn't even realize...all along...it was HIM.

It was one of those moments when you see life so clearly...standing in His presence...and, yes...I really experienced "Fullness of Joy".  Had my troubles vanished, had everyone been healed, had lives been tranformed before our eyes? ...in that moment...yes...in that moment, in His presence...no care this world could throw at me even existed...it was just Him...loving His children. 

Spring up! oh well within my soul!

Praise Him today for just walking with you through this life...walk with Him...spend a little time in His presence...get to know His heart, His will...then just KNOW that will and pray it through...experience it...allow yourself to be loved by Him...in His presence there's fullness of joy! ...and the joy of the Lord is our strength! 

So, go recharge your batteries! :-)

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