Friday, September 3, 2010


We're heading towards the Hurricane, or at least its aftermath...towards the beach. I was excited about chasing that storm. I'm not sure why. Maybe to see its power to feel its strength. I love storms. They remind me of God's power. Weird, huh? Well, I guess when you've run for so long from the storms of life, REAL ones are a breeze. (Pardon the unintentional pun.)

This got me to thinking...I know, what a shock. :-) Anyway, I was comparing my storms with those in the world. Why is my reaction so different? Should it be the same? Should I look upon the storms in my life with the same awe? And surprisingly, I have to admit, the answer should be "Yes.".

So, as I watch the extra large waves, the strong winds, and think of the Creator, I'll also try to reflect on my own storms and remind myself of the awesome strength He brings through this weak vessel that enables her to ride the storms out! There's never been a storm that's crushed me. I'm still here to tell the tale. As soon as I make it through the storm I'm a victor. Beaten? weary? ...sure...but a victor none the less.

So, I will praise Him for He is stronger than the storm! And His awesome power is a testimony of His love for me! He may calm the winds and waves...or He may just calm those within me. 

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