"The rich think of their wealth as a strong defense; they imagine it to be a high wall of safety. Haughtiness goes before destruction; humility precedes honor." PROVERBS 18:11-12
As I may have mentioned before, several folks in my church are reading through the Bible together this year. Well, one of today's scriptures includes the above. It just struck me that perhaps it's not a coincidence that those two verses are side by side. How many times have we dreamed..."if I only could win the lottery"? It seems like when we, or those whom we love, are struggling with money issues, that everything would be better if we were rich.
Isn't it strange how we think that the lack of money is some sort of illness to be overcome! I won't go into the myriad of reasons as to why some are poor and some are rich. I think we're all mature enough to realize that life's struggles are not always a result of some underlying sin in our life. God has many reasons to give us the wealth we have. He makes sure to meet our needs...our REAL needs, and still keep our eyes focused on Him. Perhaps, if we could afford to shop at Tiffany's we'd never cross paths with the K-Mart crowd that needs to know His love? Maybe if we could readily afford to replace that broken washing machine, we'd never be able to minister to the laundry mat folks? Maybe the Lord has blessed you so, that those around you only seek you out for your wealth? Even in abundance we face the struggles of life. If we are really seeking to do His will, we must understand that He will place you where He can use use the most! So REJOICE in the place you find yourself...it's a Divine mission!
Some people see their source of comfort, their strength, their relief, their protection, in having material comforts, a good job, nice savings, etc., etc. Where are we supposed to find these things? In God, of course! So, as the scripture warns, if we see wealth as our salvation, we are doomed for destruction, but if we live in humble resignation to His plan (where His places you today), it will bring honor. Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, Terry Roberts, [insert your name here]...the honor we see in these lives...it is from their faithful service to the Lord...in their poverty or their
wealth, in their fame or in their anonymity. The honor is there when we accept His will, are thankful for it, and use life's circumstances as oppotunities to share His love.

Are we to then resign ourselves to a life of poverty? Never change poor spending habits? Never plan for the future? OF COURSE NOT. God calls us to be good stewards of what we have been given. He may give you more, He may not. He knows how much to give you. How much you will faithfully use. And even how much it will take to push you into a false state of self-relience! So, be faithful AND as Paul reminds us...be content. For in contentment we find true wealth!
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