Dreams can be powerful things. Some friends of mine claim they never dream. I know that it’s just that they don’t remember the dreams, but in a way it seems sad. Sure I could do without the nightmares, but then there are also those joyful dreams…the kind that inspire us, that make us believe all things are possible.

But the feelings that stood out were not feelings of self-pity or anger. I was at first confused, and then desperate to have the truth be known, then finally…I gave up and let God be in charge (why is that always my LAST action?) and only then, did the truth come to light.
Because I believe God wants to always teach us something through our dreams, I pondered this one long and hard. I think I realized that the thing we all need to remember is that we shouldn’t react when faced with injustice. God calls us to act in accordance with His Word. We are to act in grace…ALWAYS. But this isn’t something that is automatic for any of us. It must be learned.
I’m reminded of Mr. Miyagi with Daniel-san…”Wax on, wax off…” God wants my drawing nigh to Him to become as natural as breathing. If I have to stop and think before I react, well…sometimes I just won’t. But if I read His Word, pray, draw close to Him, get to know His heart…then, I can learn what it means to think and act with His heart. So, in this case, God used my dreams to teach and stretch…
It's funny how we all are taught something new and different, even from similar dreams. It was such an odd dream, so out of character for that person, I felt I had to tell him the dream and what I learned. Maybe the message wasn't just for me? God has such a sense of humor! That very night he also had a dream that his loved ones were mad at him, and he too had done nothing wrong. He shared what he learned about himself through that dream in his sermon Sunday. About feeling unappreciated?...maybe we all seek acceptance of those around us more than God occassionally? We should find peace in knowing our place in Christ...in knowing who we are and who we belong to. Such rich lessons! I'm in awe of the way God works! How He reaches right into our minds to touch our souls!
So, the next time you have a weird dream, ask what it told you about yourself and what God wants you to learn or see. It usually isn’t about the situations themselves, but our reactions. Good choices, bad choices, feeling like you have no choice…the mysteries our minds want to unravel during our sleep…God is willing to make clear.
G’Night…. and ”Sweet Dreams!”.
What peace I find in learning that God truly is my Vindicator! He defends me better than I ever could! =) thanks for reminding me!